Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 28 - Izmir to Canakkale

Today we have a big drive 350km to Canakkale. Along the way we drive to Pergamon (modern Bergama). The site is the oldest medical school in the world. Here the mainly focused on mental healing with dream therapy, water therapy and musical therapy. If you didn't look like you would live they put you outside of the city as this meant you had a bad sole. One way to get 100% success rate I suppose. This is also were you can see the first use of snakes as a symbol of medicine. They say that one man was deemed not to make it so he was banished from the city, he did not want to suffer and after seeing 2 snakes fighting he decided to commit suicide and drink the toxic snake milk to which in the end did not kill him but cured him.

After lunch we did the spectacular drive through the mountains along the coast to Troy. You could see both Greek and Turkish Islands along the way. The drive was slow in parts as it is a 9 day holiday in Turkey the roads are busy and we had a accident to pass which put us behind schedule but thank goodness everyone was ok.

Once we got to Troy we saw the ruins of the 9 cities built on top of each other and the reconstruction of the famous wooden horse. I was disappointed I did not see Achilles, Hector or Paris anywhere. I did however find this guy.

We are spending the night on the sea front in Canakkale before we head to Anzac Cove in the morning. Early start tomorrow to get the 8.00am ferry so 6.00am wakeup call.

Iyi aksamiar J&N

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